Programme structure

The Master of Companion Animal Clinical Science is a professional master’s programme for veterinarians with minimum 2 years of work experience in small animal practice.

The programme consists of 60 ECTS credits divided among basic courses (30 ECTS), advanced courses (18 ECTS) and a master’s thesis (12 ECTS). This distribution is the same for all specialisations although the number of courses and credits per course varies between specialisations.

We use the European standards of ECTS credits. Read more here.


Your choice of specialisation determines which track you should follow.

To specialise in Companion Animal Surgery, you need to follow the 5 basic courses and 4 advanced courses of that track.

To specialise in one of the Small Animal Diseases, you must follow the 4 basic courses, which are common for all disease specialisations, and the 3 advanced courses, which are specific for the specialisation of your choice.

You complete the master’s programme with a master’s thesis.



The basic courses in the surgery track allows you to apply for the European Certificate in Companion Animal Surgery.

The basic courses in the small animal diseases track allows members of the Danish Veterinary Association (DVA) to apply for the DVA Certificate in Small Animal Diseases.



After passing the exams and other assignments of the full master’s programme, you obtain the university degree Master, Companion Animal Clinical Science (your chosen specialisation).


The order of the courses is designed to ensure progression in the master’s programme from one course to the next. All courses must be completed before the master's project can be completed.

All courses require physical attendance, typically 5 or 6 consecutive days at the University Hospital for Companion Animals.

You are expected to prepare both for each course before the first day of lectures and for the exam, which is held after each course.




The activities are distributed over 3 to 6 years as part-time study. Full-time study is not possible because most courses are available only every second year. 

Each ECTS credit is equivalent to 27.5 hours of study, which includes preparation, course activity and exam. The total workload of this master’s programme equals one year of full-time university study.


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