Support your specialist training
The Danish, Swedish and Norwegian Veterinary Associations have preapproved selected courses on Master of Companion Animal Clinical Science. This makes it simpler for you to document acquired competences.
Certification in Sweden
The Swedish Society of Veterinary Medicine has preapproved course activities towards Swedish specialist in diseases of dogs and cats (Steg 1) and Swedish specialist in surgery or internal medicine of dogs and cats (Steg 2).
Bli Master of Companion Animal Clinical Science och ta samtidigt godkända kurser i Steg 1 och Steg 2
Köpenhamns Universitet ger dig möjlighet att uppfylla kurskraven för din specialistkompetens Steg 1 och Steg 2 inom ramen för ett strukturerat och ackrediterat utbildningsförlopp. Kurserna på Master of Companion Animal Clinical Science är förhandsgodkända av Sveriges Veterinärmedicinska Sällskap (SVS) och överensstämmer med kurskraven för utbildningarna Steg 1 och Steg 2:
Specialistkompetens i sjukdomar hos hund och katt (Steg 1)
De 3 första obligatoriska kurserna på Master of Companion Animal Clinical Science är godkända att motsvara 5 kurser inom specialistutbildningen i sjukdomar hos hund och katt.
Swedish Specialistkompetens i kirurgi hos hund och katt (Steg 2)
De tre specialistkurserna är godkända som överförbara till 3 kurser inom specialistutbildningen i kirurgi hos hund och katt
Swedish Specialistkompetens i internmedicin hos hund och katt (Steg 2)
De tre specialistkurserna är godkända som överförbara till 3 kurser inom specialistutbildningen i internmedicin hos hund och katt.
Master of Companion Animal Clinical Science är en engelskspråkig masterutbildning med fokus på att leverera undervisning med den senaste forskningen och best practice till smådjursveterinärer. Utbildningsprogrammet är ackrediterat av The Veterinary Continuous Education in Europe (VetCEE) under European Coordinating Committee on Veterinary Training (ECCVT) och The Danish Accreditation Institution (ACE Denmark).
Kursmodul 1-4 är förhandsgodkänd av Den Danske Dyrlægeforening (DDD) som fackveterinärutbildning. Sveriges Veterinärmedicinska Sällskap har förhandsgodkänt obligatoriska moduler och specialiseringsmoduler, för uppfyllande av kurskrav för att uppnå specialistkompetens i Steg 1 och Steg 2.
Den Norske Veterinærforening (DNVF) har förhandsgodkänt moduler som överensstämmer med kurskraven för att uppnå ackreditering som norsk veterinärspecialist inom smådjursområdet.
Earn a Master of Companion Animal Clinical Science degree and at the same time take preapproved courses for your qualification as a Swedish veterinary specialist in companion animals
The University of Copenhagen offers you the opportunity to meet course requirements for the Swedish Veterinary specialist education under a structured and accredited programme.
The Swedish Society of Veterinary Medicine’s Swedish specialist in diseases of dogs and cats
(in Swedish: Specialistkompetens i sjukdomar hos hund och katt – Steg 1)
The first three obligatory courses on the Master of Companion Animal Clinical Science have been approved as equal to five courses of the Swedish Specialist in diseases of dogs and cats (in Swedish Specialistkompetens i sjukdomar hos hund och katt)
The Swedish Society of Veterinary Medicine’s Swedish specialist in Surgery in dogs and cats
(in Swedish: Specialistkompetens i kirurgi hos hund och katt Steg 2)
The Surgical Specialisation track at the Master Programme is preapproved as 3 courses in the Steg 2 Companion Animal Surgery Specialisation.
The Swedish Society of Veterinary Medicine’s Swedish Steg 2 specialist in Internal Medicine in dogs and cats
(in Swedish: Specialistkompetens i internmedicin hos hund och katt)
The Internal Medicine Specialisation track at the Master Programme is preapproved as 3 courses in the Steg 2 Companion Animal Internal Medicine Specialisation.
The Master of Companion Animal Clinical Science programme is an English language professional master’s programme with focus on teaching that includes the latest research and best practice for companion animal veterinarians. The programme is accredited by The Veterinary Continuous Education in Europe (VetCEE) under the European Coordinating Committee on Veterinary Training (ECCVT) and The Danish Accreditation Institution (ACE Denmark).
The Danish Veterinary Association has pre-approved the first four courses at the Master programme as constituting the Danish certification course in Small Animal Diseases. The Swedish Society of Veterinary Medicine has pre-approved courses at the Master programme as course activity towards the Swedish Steg 1 and Steg 2 specialist qualification. The Norwegian Veterinary Association has pre-approved courses at the Master programme as course activities towards the course requirements for the Norwegian specialist in diseases of dogs and cats.
“The practical parts were excellent. The opportunity to train under such competent tutoring in such a small group is extremely valuable”
Karin Norlinder, veterinarian at Bohusläns Smådyrsklinik, is studying for her Master of Companion Animal Clinical Science degree in order to earn her veterinary specialist qualification in companion animal surgery.
Certification in Norway
The Norwegian Veterinary Association has preapproved course activities towards Norwegian specialist in diseases of dogs and cats.
Bli Master of Companion Animal Clinical Science, samtidig som du tar godkjente kurser til din spesialisering i veterinærmedisin, spesialitet smådyr
Københavns Universitet gjør det mulig å oppfylle kurskravene til spesialisering i veterinærmedisin, spesialitet smådyr, i et strukturert og akkreditert utdanningsforløp.
Kursene på Master of Companion Animal Clinical Science er forhåndsgodkjent av Den Norske Veterinærforening (DNV) til å inngå som en del av kurskravene i forbindelse med spesialisering i veterinærmedisin, spesialitet smådyr. Nedenfor er en oversikt over hvor mange timer de forskjellige kursaktivitetene på Master of Companion Animal Clinical Science er forhåndsgodkjent til
Kurs | Kategori | Antall timer |
Veterinary Methodology and Paraclinical Skills | Veterinary Methodology and Communication | 16 |
Clinical Pathology | 17 | |
Diagnostic Imaging | 16 | |
Samlet antall timer | 49 | |
Companion Animal Internal Medicine and Speciality Cases - Systematic Diagnostic Decision Making | Internal Medicine | 26 |
Neurology | 9 | |
Oncology | 8,5 | |
Cardiology | 8,5 | |
Samlet antall timer | 52 | |
Companion Animal Surgery - Good Surgical Practice (GSP) | 47 |
Kursene på Master of Companion Animal Clinical Science spesialisering i kirurgi er godkjent til:
Companion Animal Surgery – Soft tissue surgery | 40 timer |
Companion Animal Surgery – Orthopedic surgery | 40 timer |
Companion Animal Surgery – Cancer surgery | 40 timer |
Kursene på Master of Companion Animal Clinical Science spesialisering i indremedisin er godkjent til:
Diagnosis and Treatment of Patients with Endocrine and Urological Diseases | 42 timer |
Diagnosis and Treatment of Patients with Gastrointestinal and Respiratory Diseases | 42 timer |
Diagnosis and Treatment of Patients with Haematological, Infectious and Critical Medical Diseases. Hands on: Cytology workshop | 42 timer |
Master of Companion Animal Clinical Science er en engelskspråklig utdannelse, hvor det vektlegges undervisning basert på den nyeste forskning og beste praksis for familiedyrenes dyrleger. Utdanningsprogrammet er akkreditert av The Veterinary Continuous Education in Europe (VetCEE) under European Coordinating Committee on Veterinary Training (ECCVT) og The Danish Accreditation Institution (ACE Denmark).
Kursmodulene 1–4 er forhåndsgodkjente av Den Danske Dyrlægeforening (DDD) som en fagdyrlegeutdanning.
Sveriges Veterinärmedicinska Sällskap har forhåndsgodkjent obligatoriske moduler og spesialsikringsmoduler til oppfyllelse av kurskrav i forbindelse med å oppnå trinn 1 og trinn 2 spesial kompetanse.
Den Norske Veterinærforening (DNV) har forhåndsgodkjent moduler til oppfyllelse av kurskrav i forbindelse med å oppnå akkreditering som norsk veterinærspesialist innenfor smådyrsområdet.
“Det er et meget godt kurs, foreleserne holder et høyt fagnivå og det er et fantastisk sykehus. Det er også veldig bra at vi har eksterne forelesere, som på kursene i indremedisin og kirurgi. De kommer med perspektiver som er nye i Skandinavia, og noen ganger presenterer de oss for mer avanserte fremgangsmåter, som det i Skandinavia ikke har vært tradisjon for.”
Earn a Master of Companion Animal Clinical Science degree and at the same time take preapproved courses for your qualification as a Norwegian veterinary specialist in companion animals
The University of Copenhagen offers you the opportunity to meet course requirements for becoming a Norwegian veterinary specialist in companion animals under a structured and accredited programme.
Courses under the Master of Companion Animal Clinical Science programme have been pre-approved by The Norwegian Veterinary Association (DNV) as courses that can be part of meeting requirements in connection with specialisation in veterinary medicine in the field of companion animals. Below you can see an overview of the number of hours for which the various courses of the Master of Companion Animal Clinical Science programme have been pre-approved.
Course | Category | No. of hours |
Veterinary Methodology and Paraclinical Skills | Veterinary Methodology and Communication | 16 |
Clinical Pathology | 17 | |
Diagnostic Imaging | 16 | |
Total hours | 49 | |
Companion Animal Internal Medicine and Speciality Cases - Systematic Diagnostic Decision Making | Internal Medicine | 26 |
Neurology | 9 | |
Oncology | 8,5 | |
Cardiology | 8,5 | |
Total hours | 52 | |
Companion Animal Surgery - Good Surgical Practice (GSP) | 47 |
Courses of the Master of Companion Animal Clinical Science programme specialising in surgery have been preapproved as follows:
Companion Animal Surgery – Soft tissue surgery | 40 hours |
Companion Animal Surgery – Orthopedic surgery | 40 hours |
Companion Animal Surgery – Cancer surgery | 40 hours |
Courses of the Master of Companion Animal Clinical Science programme specialising in surgery have been preapproved as follows:
Diagnosis and Treatment of Patients with Endocrine and Urological Diseases | 42 hours |
Diagnosis and Treatment of Patients with Gastrointestinal and Respiratory Diseases | 42 hours |
Diagnosis and Treatment of Patients with Haematological, Infectious and Critical Medical Diseases. Hands on: Cytology workshop | 42 hours |
The Master of Companion Animal Clinical Science programme is an English language professional master’s programme with focus on teaching that includes the latest research and best practice for companion animal veterinarians. The programme is accredited by The Veterinary Continuous Education in Europe (VetCEE) under the European Coordinating Committee on Veterinary Training (ECCVT) and The Danish Accreditation Institution (ACE Denmark).
The Danish Veterinary Association has pre-approved the first four courses at the Master programme as constituting the Danish certification course in Small Animal Diseases.
The Swedish Society of Veterinary Medicine has pre-approved courses at the Master programme as course activity towards the Swedish Steg 1 and Steg 2 specialist qualification.
The Norwegian Veterinary Association has pre-approved courses at the master's programme as course activities towards the course requirements for the Norwegian specialist in diseases of dogs and cats.
”It is a very good programme. The lecturers have a high professional level and it is a great hospital. It is also brilliant that we have external lecturers, like in the internal medicine and the surgery course. They bring a perspective from outside Scandinavia, sometimes introducing more advanced procedures that traditionally haven’t been used in Scandinavia.”
Certification in Denmark
The Danish Veterinary Association has preapproved course activities towards Danish Certificate in Small Animal Diseases.
Bliv Master of Companion Animal Clinical Science og samtidig dansk fagdyrlæge
Københavns Universitet samarbejder med Den Danske Dyrelæge Forening om at udbyde fagdyrlægeuddannelsen i hund og kat. De første fire moduler på Master of Companion Animal Clinical Science udgør dermed Den Danske Dyrlægeforenings fagdyrlægeuddannelse. Det er Den Danske Dyrlægeforening, der godkender fagdyrlæger i Danmark.
Hvis du er medlem af Den Danske Dyrlægeforening og har bestået de første fire moduler på Master of Companion Animal Clinical Science kan du søge om at få en fagdyrlægecertificering hos Den Danske Dyrlæge Forening.
Læs mere om fagdyrlægeuddannelsen på Den Danske Dyrlægeforenings hjemmeside
Master of Companion Animal Clinical Science er en engelsksproget masteruddannelse med fokus på at levere undervisning med den nyeste forskning og best-practice til familiedyrs dyrlæger. Uddannelsesprogrammet er akkrediteret af The Veterinary Continuous Education in Europe (VetCEE) under European Coordinating Committee on Veterinary Training (ECCVT) og The Danish Accreditation Institution (ACE Denmark).
Kursusmodul 1-4 er forhåndsgodkendt af Den Danske Dyrlægeforening (DDD) som fagdyrlægeuddannelse.
Sveriges Veterinärmedicinska Sällskap har forhåndsgodkendt obligatoriske moduler og specialiseringsmoduler, til opfyldelse af kursuskrav i forbindelse med at opnå henholdsvis Steg 1 og Steg 2 specialistkompetence
Den Norske Veterinærforening (DNVF) har forhåndsgodkendt moduler til opfyldelse af kursuskrav i forbindelse med at opnå akkreditering som norsk veterinær spesialist indenfor smådyrsområdet.
Master of Companion Animal Clinical Science kan også være et skridt på vejen til at blive veterinær specialist:
“For me it is a step towards getting certified as a Danish veterinary specialist. I had applied to become a certified Danish veterinary specialist and had received an education plan before I became aware of this Master programme. But when I saw this programme, I immediately applied. I saw that the Master programme maybe could be the help I needed to get the academic part in place in the sense, that I get to produce literature, articles, and assignments. For me, who works in a practice, that would be a way to set aside time to write articles which otherwise would be difficult in a busy life.”
Earn a Master of Companion Animal Clinical Science degree and get the Danish Veterinary Association's certification in Small Animal Diseases (in Danish Fagdyrlæge) at the same time
The University of Copenhagen has joined forces with the Danish Veterinary Association to offer the Danish Veterinary Association's two-year certification course in Small Animal Diseases. The first four modules of the Master of Companion Animal Clinical Science programme thus constitute the Danish Veterinary Association’s certification course in Small Animal Diseases (in Danish fagdyrlæge). It is the Danish Veterinary Association that approves the Danish Certificate in Small Animal Diseases.
If you are a member of the Danish Veterinary Association and have passed the first four modules of the Master of Companion Animal Clinical Science programme, you can apply for a Danish Certificate in Small Animal Diseases from the Danish Veterinary Association.
The Master of Companion Animal Clinical Science programme is an English language professional master’s programme with focus on teaching that includes the latest research and best practice for companion animal veterinarians. The programme is accredited by The Veterinary Continuous Education in Europe (VetCEE) under the European Coordinating Committee on Veterinary Training (ECCVT) and The Danish Accreditation Institution (ACE Denmark).
The Danish Veterinary Association has pre-approved the first four courses at the Master programme as constituting the Danish certification course in Small Animal Diseases. The Swedish Society of Veterinary Medicine has pre-approved courses at the Master programme as course activity towards the Swedish Steg 1 and Steg 2 specialist qualification. The Norwegian Veterinary Association has pre-approved courses at the Master programme as course activities towards the course requirements for the Norwegian specialist in diseases of dogs and cats
The Master of Companion Animal Clinical Science programme can also be a step on the way to becoming a veterinary specialist:
“For me it is a step towards getting certified as a Danish veterinary specialist. I had applied to become a certified Danish veterinary specialist and had received an education plan before I became aware of this Master programme. But when I saw this programme, I immediately applied. I saw that the Master programme maybe could be the help I needed to get the academic part in place in the sense, that I get to produce literature, articles, and assignments. For me, who works in a practice, that would be a way to set aside time to write articles which otherwise would be difficult in a busy life.”